We offer two ways to report a lost item:

Phone 970-384-4888
Email lostandfound@rfta.com

When contacting lost and found, please be prepared to give the following information:
  1. Your name
  2. Your contact information
  3. Description of lost item (please be detailed)
  4. Date item was lost
The Lost and Found phone and email lines receive a large number of inquiries. Messages are returned only if we are able to successfully locate an item that matches the description provided.

When describing your lost item, please be as detailed as possible. Our Lost & Found receives many similar items daily, and vague descriptions like “black glove” or “grey cell phone” may not be enough for us to identify an item and contact you. If your item doesn’t have any unique identifiers, such as stickers, markings, or engravings, we encourage you to visit our Lost & Found locations in person to check if it has been recovered.

Lost and Found Locations

Rubey Park Transit Center
420 E Durant Ave, Aspen, CO 81611
7 days a week, 6:45am – 2:00am | Sunday Spring and Fall hours are 6:45am – 12:00am

RFTA Blake Offices

1517 Blake Ave, Suite 202, Glenwood Springs, 81601
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm | Closed on weekends and major holidays

RFTA will make all necessary efforts to locate your lost items but takes no responsibility for finding them. Please take a moment before departing the bus to make sure you have all of your belongings.

Our staff cannot guarantee an item is yours but can confirm if an item matching your description has been found.

Items found on our vehicles or at bus stops are sent to one of two Lost & Found locations, where they are logged into a shared database along with their storage location. Owners are responsible for picking up their items from the designated Lost & Found location. Items will not be transferred between Lost & Found locations upon request.

If you would like your lost item shipped directly to an address, you must prepay for postage and provide a shipping label to Lost & Found staff. For larger items such as suitcases, backpacks, instruments, skis, or other sporting equipment, you will need to arrange pickup and packaging through a shipping service. It is the owner’s responsibility to manage all shipping, packaging, and pickup arrangements for large items. RFTA staff cannot facilitate these services, and once the carrier picks up the item, it will be considered returned to the owner.

If an item contains cash or has identifying information, it will be turned over to the Aspen Police Department, 970-920-5400 or the Glenwood Springs Police Department, 970-384-6500, depending upon where it was found or turned in to us.

Other items are retained for at least 14 days prior to being destroyed or donated to charity. 

Items found on our buses are typically available for pickup after 3:00 pm the following business day at one of our Lost & Found locations. Depending on where the item was lost or turned in, it could end up at Rubey Park Transit Center or our RFTA Blake Offices in Glenwood Springs. Before visiting, you can check on your item’s status by calling 970-384-4888 or by emailing lostandfound@rfta.com.

In-Service Retrieval of High-Priority Items

Although we cannot contact drivers via radio regarding lost items, we can send them a direct message through an internal text messaging system. However, operators can only check for lost items once they have completed the current portion of their run and their bus is safely stopped.

This process applies only to the following types of items:

  • Wallets/Purses
  • Cell Phones
  • Prescription Medication
  • Laptops or Tablets
  • Medical devices

If we locate a high-priority item matching your description, you may have the opportunity to retrieve it while the bus is in service. However, this depends on the bus’s location and the time of day within the operator’s shift, and may not always be feasible. If retrieval is possible, it is the customer’s responsibility to meet the bus at a designated stop, which will be coordinated by the lost and found staff in communication with the driver. If this is not possible, you can collect your item from one of our Lost & Found locations after 3:00 pm on the next business day.

Non-essential items cannot be retrieved while the bus is in service, and Lost & Found staff are unable to arrange in-service pickups for these items.

Items That Are Disposed of Immediately

The following items cannot be stored and will be discarded immediately if found:

  • Food, including containers with food or residue
  • Water bottles or coffee cups that contain any liquid
  • Certain clothing items, such as undergarments, single gloves, or soiled items
  • Toiletries, such as brushes, combs, toothbrushes, perfumes
  • Heavily damaged or unsanitary camping gear, such as blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, or tarps
  • Tobacco products, including vape pens
  • Any item deemed unsanitary, soiled, odorous, or hazardous, as determined at the discretion of RFTA staff

Items that will be turned over to local law enforcement immediately upon receipt:

  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Weapons
  • Chemicals or other hazardous materials
  • Any item containing cash, including purses, bags, wallets, etc.