July 10, 2024: RFTA Receives $32.84 Million Federal Transit Administration LoNo Grant for Phases 6A, 6B, and 8 of the Regional Transit Center Project.
A contract was executed 12/22/2021 and Notice to Proceed issued 12/29/2021. The Glenwood Maintenance Facility Expansion Project is currently underway. Phases 3, 4, 5 & 7 is under construction with an anticipated completion in the summer of 2024.
Saunders Construction/Stantec
Contact: Nathan Wilks, Project Manager, 303-386-9101, n.wilks@saundersinc.com
Press Release: Saunders-Stantec team to deliver new Glenwood Maintenance Facility expansion for Roaring Fork Transportation Authority
Phase 2 of the project was completed in the fall of 2022.
PHASES 1 & 2: Lowering & Grading Temporary Bus Lot for Future Phases, Grading, Excavation, Fleet Maintenance Build Renovation & Expansion. Purchase of Adjacent Property.
PHASES 3, 4, 5 & 7: Site Grading and Excavation, Retaining Walls, Operations Center, 60-Bus Storage Building, Pre & Post-Trip Bus Inspection Facilities, Parts and Equipment Warehouse, Multi-Fuel Fueling and Bush Wash Facility.
PHASES 6 & 8: Glenwood Springs Transit Center/Mobility Hub, RFTA Maintenance Operations, Training, and Administration Center, Zero Emission Vehicle Equipment Storage Facility.
PHASES 9 & 10: Housing expansion and replacement.
RFTA will continually be updating our website with the current project information.
Please direct any questions to Tammy Sommerfeld, Procurement Manager at tsommerfeld@rfta.com or 970-384-4869.
The RFTA Glenwood Springs Maintenance Facility (GMF) expansion has been RFTA’s number one priority to allow RFTA to safely and reliably provide existing service levels and to be able to serve our member jurisdiction’s future growth. The GMF expansion project was included within the list of capital projects and service enhancements approved by voters in RFTA Destination 2040.
The GMF expansion project will renovate and expand its current maintenance facility into a new, centrally located operations, maintenance and administrative center. The GMF expansion will address RFTA’s current operational deficiencies and accommodate forecasted growth in population, employment, and ridership demand in RFTA’s 3-county service area. The GMF expansion will provide sufficient bus storage, operations, maintenance and administrative capacity and capability to support RFTA’s long-term vison of creating greater community connectivity within our region.
RFTA’s Glenwood Springs Maintenance Facility (GMF) was constructed in 2002 and designed as a satellite facility to store and maintain 34 buses with a small footprint and a minimum number of support staff. Ridership has grown by 60% since 2002, and, according to RFTA’s ridership forecasting tools and travel patterns studies, it is estimated to increase by at least 25% over the next 20 years, under the most conservative scenarios.
Today, RFTA operates approximately 44 buses from the facility on a regular basis, exceeding the facility’s capacity by 30%. To meet peak morning commute demands over the next 20 years, as many as 20 buses will need to be deadheaded 45 miles each way from RFTA’s Aspen Maintenance Facility (AMF), if storage, maintenance and operations capacity at the GMF is not increased.
Because buses are parked outside during the winter, they must be idled in the early morning hours, an average of about three hours, to ensure that they are operating properly and that Bus Operators and passengers will be warm and comfortable. This idling decreases the efficiency of fuel utilization and contributes to wear and tear of the buses. With the introduction of Battery Electric Buses and Fuel Cell Electric Buses to the RFTA fleet, a climate controlled environment is required to maintain optimum battery storage capacity and efficiency.
The GMF expansion has been planned to occur over 10 phases of construction. Phase 1 has been completed and included lowering and grading of site and providing a temporary bus parking lot to accommodate future phases of construction.
Phase 2, includes grading, excavation, fleet maintenance building renovation & expansion and purchase of Glenwood Springs Municipal Operations Center. Phase 2 of the project was completed in the fall of 2022.
Phases 3 and 7, includes site grading and excavation, expanded operations center, new 60-Bus Storage Building, pre & post-trip bus inspection facilities, parts and equipment warehouse, multi-fuel fueling and bus wash facility.
PHASES 3, 4, 5 & 7 IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION WITH AN ANTICIPATED COMPLETION IN THE SUMMER OF 2024. Construction funding for phases 3 and 7 has been appropriated in 2023 Annual Budget.
Phases 4 and 5, includes grading, paving, demolition, retaining walls, additional 30-bus storage building.
PHASES 3, 4, 5 & 7 IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION WITH AN ANTICIPATED COMPLETION IN THE SUMMER OF 2024. Construction funding for phases 3 and 7 has been appropriated in 2023 Annual Budget.
Phases 6 includes West Glenwood Transit Plaza and RFTA Operations and Administration Building.
Phase 6A – RFTA West Glenwood Springs Transit Center/Mobility Hub: This facility is located in West Glenwood Springs and serves as a transit hub and mobility center for the region.
Phase 6B – RFTA Maintenance Operations, Training, and Administration Center: This facility supports RFTA’s maintenance operations, provides training facilities, and houses administrative functions.
Design funding for Phase 6 was appropriated in 2023 Annual Budget.
Phases 8 includes Zero Emission Vehicle Equipment Storage Facility: This facility focuses on storing equipment related to zero-emission vehicles.
Phases 9 includes Housing Expansion.
Phases 9 includes Housing Replacement.