
How to Travel to Aspen Highlands by Bus to Catch the Maroon Bells Shuttle
BEFORE YOUR TRIP Make a Maroon Bells Shuttle reservation in advance at: DIRECTIONS FOR TRAVELING TO ASPEN HIGHLANDS From AspenDowntown Aspen/Rubey Park Transit Center
PUBLIC NOTICE: Phase One – Rio Grande Trail Asphalt Repair Project Construction Impacts Starting May 20th
PHASE ONE of asphalt repair is starting on Monday, May 20th, on the Rio Grande Trail from Emma Road to Hooks Spur Trailhead (mile post

RIDER ALERT: Highway 82 Snowmass Canyon Resurfacing Project: Bus Delays Expected Starting May 28th
Please be aware of an upcoming construction project that may affect your travel with RFTA. On Hwy 82 in Snowmass Canyon, a resurfacing project begins

The RFTA Summer Service Schedules Begin Monday, June 3, 2024
Plan your commute changes accordingly and preview the RFTA SUMMER schedules below. PREVIEW SCHEDULES NOW: Roaring Fork Valley Local (L) Schedule VelociRFTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Schedule

PUBLIC NOTICE: Rio Grande Trail Asphalt Repair Project Construction Impacts Starting May 20th
Starting on May 20, 2024, the Rio Grande Trail from Emma Road to the Catherine Bridge Trailhead will be under construction in four phases from

RFTA Tips For Rider Safety & Etiquette
Explore RFTA’s tips to safe and courteous riding! Let’s make every ride enjoyable for all. Be Respectful No disruptive or abusive behavior or language on

RFTA Recognized as Climate Champion by Federal Transit Administration
We are thrilled to announce that Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) has been honored by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for its outstanding efforts in

RIDER ALERT: Lower Two Rivers Road Closure Affecting Bus Service
Please be advised of an upcoming road closure impacting travel on Lower Two Rivers Road heading up valley (UV), eastbound, from April 15th to April

Bus bike racks will be unlocked on April 21st. Learn how to bike and ride here.
Bike loading and unloading is limited to the designated RFTA stops listed in the map. This is to ensure the safest and easiest transition for

WE-cycle Expansion Underway at the Carbondale Park & Ride
Construction kicks off this week at the Carbondale Park & Ride for an expansion of the WE-cycle station. Due to high demand for bikeshare services

The RFTA Spring Service Schedules Begin Monday, April 15, 2024
Plan your commute changes accordingly and preview the RFTA SPRING schedules below. PREVIEW SCHEDULES NOW: Roaring Fork Valley Local (L) Schedule VelociRFTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Schedule