Trip Planner

e.g. Rubey Park
e.g. Cemetery Lane & Highway 82


Serves the Upper Valley & Snowmass Village

  • Transportation for people age 60 or older
  • Serves the Upper Valley & Snowmass Village
  • Operates Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

— Schedule a Ride —

Rides are scheduled by calling 970-384-4855, Monday through Friday, 8am to 3pm. To schedule a ride it is best to call no later than 3pm the previous business day. Same day requests will be accommodated when possible, but are not guaranteed. You can schedule a ride up to 14 days in advance. When calling be prepared to provide:

  1. Your name
  2. Address of pick up
  3. Address of destination
  4. Time you would like to arrive at your destination
  5. Time for return trip

Senior Van is a group trip origin to destination service. It is likely that other passengers will be riding at the same time as you. There may be multiple stops between your pick up and drop off locations.

It only takes a few minutes to register as a passenger! Call 970-384-4855 to register or for more information.

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