Real-Time Signs Out of Order at Select BRT Stations

We apologize for the inconvenience—the real-time signs will be out of order until April 2025—at the following BRT stations:

  • Carbondale Park & Ride (Stop ID: 202)
  • El Jebel Upvalley BRT Station (Stop ID: 310)
  • El Jebel Downvalley BRT Station (Stop ID: 309)
  • Willits Downvalley Station (Stop ID: 311)
  • Brush Creek Park & Ride (Stop ID: 346)
  • Airport Upvalley Station (Stop ID: 213)

Here are two ways to stay connected with real-time information:

phone showing webpage open
  1. Subscribe to RFTA BusTracker by email or text to get the latest service alerts at
  2. Track your bus in real time and see when it will arrive at your stop at
  3. Check for up-to-date stop times via text at





SMS Text Schedules

You can receive estimated arrival times by text message with RFTA SMS Text Schedules. Find information on how to text at any posted bus stop and follow the directions below:

1. Find the bus stop ID on the bus stop sign (circled in the picture, top left).

2. Information about how to text for estimated arrival times is posted at all RFTA bus stops. Simply read the bus stop sign for instructions.








Here’s how the text message you send might look if you were going to catch a BRT bus at the Brush Creek Park & Ride (Stop ID 346):

    1. Send “rfta 346” to 41411
    2. After your message is received, you’ll get a message back stating the time, location, direction, and additional directions
    3. This example response says that, as of 1:42 pm, at stop 346 (Brush Creek Park & Ride), the BRT bus TO Aspen is due to arrive in about 29 minutes. The BRT bus TO Glenwood Springs-27th Street Station is due to arrive in about 15 minutes.
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