Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Reasonable Modification Statement

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and directives from the Federal Transit Administration, the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) will make every effort, to the maximum extent possible, to ensure that a person with a disability has access to, and benefits from, its services. RFTA will make reasonable modifications to its policies, programs, and procedures applicable to its transportation services, when necessary, to avoid discrimination and ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.

Reasonable modifications do have limitations and should not:

  • Cause a direct threat to the health and safety of others;
  • Create undue financial and administrative burdens;
  • Constitute a fundamental alteration to a service;
  • Not necessary to provide equal access to a RFTA service.

Considerations when making a reasonable modification request:

  • Individuals requesting modifications shall describe what they need in order to use the service.
  • Individuals requesting modifications are not required to use the term “reasonable modification” when making a request.
  • Whenever feasible, requests for modifications shall be made and determined in advance, before the transportation provider is expected to provide the modified service, for example, during the paratransit eligibility process, through customer service inquiries, or through the entity’s feedback process.
  • Where a request for modification cannot practicably be made and determined in advance (e.g., because of a condition or barrier at the destination of a Paratransit or fixed-route trip, of which the individual with a disability was unaware of until arriving), operating personnel shall make a determination of whether the modification should be provided at the time of the request. Operating personnel may consult with the entity’s management before making a determination to grant or deny the request.

To request reasonable modifications based on a disability please use the Reasonable Modification Request Form below.

The request must identify the modification needed in order to use the service. Whenever feasible, please make the request in advance, before the modification is needed to access the service.

Within the scope of the ADA and reasonable modification, if RFTA denies a request it will make every effort, to the maximum extent possible, to ensure that a person with a disability has access to, and benefits from, its services.

To request reasonable modifications based on a disability please use the Reasonable Modification Request Form, or contact Dawn Dexter, ADA Compliance Officer, (970) 379-5505 or

In writing:
Dawn Dexter
ADA Compliance Officer
Phone: (970) 379-5505
2307 Wulfsohn Road
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

RFTA will review the request in accordance with its reasonable modification plan. RFTA strives to respond, in writing, to each request within thirty (30) calendar days.

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